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Miscelanious Blog

Wednesday, 12 May 2004

Wednsday, May 13, 2004
-Background Complete
-Created 1 (one) Banner (Plus a link to us page which allows you to e-mail you banners to be placed on my site and you can use my banner to place on your site)
-working on a 'Chat Room' (pretty basic; not too great)
-Funny Pictures and Jokes page added
-One picture added to Funny Pictures and Jokes page

Posted by funnystuff49 at 3:42 PM

Tuesday, 11 May 2004

Upcoming updates
Upcoming updates
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

-New logo (in process)- UPDATE - New logo created
-New background (in process)
-Hopfully a forum (searching for codes to create a forum)
-Possibly a custom cursor (if I find/make a cool one) - UPDATE - Decided to leave that for now (once I can make polls I'll set out for a decision if people wish to have a custom cursor for my site
-Different layout (learning how to make buttons instead of text)
-Chat (if I can figure out how to make) - UPDATE - found a basic code for a basic chat room
-Profiles for users, advancing levels after certaint times
-Voting system
-Other sites (related, banners, other sites owned by me ect) - UPDATE - New site in progress (FS Mag; all upcoming information on upcoming games/movies)
-Polls - UPDATE - learning the code
-Banners linked to this site- UPDATE - One created as a default (not being used, just made to learn how to make banners)

Posted by funnystuff49 at 12:53 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 11 May 2004 3:41 PM

Monday, 10 May 2004

Site Update

Monday, May 10, 2004

-Site designed
-Basic Template
-Designing a new background
-Logo created (custom)
-working on creating a custom currsor
-Added a few flashes (temporarily) friend wanted to see them but could not find they are Copyright (?)2000 to their proper owners
-Basic pages added (movies, games, intro, and a home page) and more to come
-Created a custom scrollbar
-Created a new blog along with this entry
-Trying to design a forum (post if you know how and could teach me)

Posted by funnystuff49 at 4:55 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 11 May 2004 12:42 PM

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